Fatima and Black 9 (2007)
Waiting for Jimi silkscreen (2006)
Lunch at the Bush Whitehouse (silkscreen) 2005
Another Damballah Dream (monoprint) 1999
Lucky Hand (photograph) 2003
Eyes of Legba (monoprint) 2002
Dance of the Ghedes (silkscreen) 2000
Erzulie (monoprint with sequins) 2002
Three Erzulies, Calling (silkscreen) 2004
Packet Kongo (monoprint) 2002
Burn For Love (silkscreen) 2000
Click on an image to see an enlarged view
For information on these prints and other available artwork
Contact Renee Stout:
A Vision I Can't Forget (lithograph) 1999
Legba Laughed (monoprint) 2002
Oil # 12 (silkscreen) 2004
From Gun Series (monoprint) 1998
The Trickster on his Throne, With Henchmen (lithograph) 1996
Fatima's Altar (photograph) 2002
Womba Doll (monoprint) 2002